The Fat Bird, Ugly Dog Podcast
The goal of this podcast is to present alternate viewpoints on falconry. Topics covered range from training philosophy, husbandry, and health of birds and bird dogs to conservation and management of raptors, their main prey species, and the respective habitat that they rely on. In addition, I’ll cover-off themes related to hunter ethics, fair chase, and access to public and private land. I’ll outline efforts that falconers can make to contribute to all of these topics of conversation.
The Fat Bird, Ugly Dog Podcast
37. Arnaud Van Wettere on Avian Influenza
Arnaud Van Wettere, falconer and veterinarian, joins me to talk about avian influenza. After introducing himself, Arnaud reminds us of the definitions of some basic terms associated with immunology, and describes the manner in which different strains of avian influenza are named.
Arnaud outlines the historical timeline for most recent and on-going outbreak of the H5N1 strain. He then outlines which bird species are most susceptible, describes routes of infection and transmission, and provides details with regard to survival of the virus under varying environmental conditions.
We continue our discussion regarding the clinical signs of infection, including the duration between infection, onset of clinical signs, and death. Arnaud then tells us what how diagnosis is confirmed, and what to expect from veterinary- and public-health professionals if your birds are infected.
Given that the prevalence of the disease and that it typically runs its course is very quickly, we discuss the temptation for falconers to forgo necropsy and simply assume that the cause of death can be attributed to avian influenza, including the likelihood and implications of misdiagnosis.
Arnaud the outlines how falconers can assess prevalence in the areas where they typically hunt, how to manage the risk when hunting waterfowl, and steps that one can take controlling indirect exposure. He then outlines what can realistically be done treatment-wise, and outlines the challenges associated with implementing an immunization program.
We conclude our conversation with Arnaud outlining what falconers should most likely expect for the 2024/25 hunting season.