The Fat Bird, Ugly Dog Podcast
The goal of this podcast is to present alternate viewpoints on falconry. Topics covered range from training philosophy, husbandry, and health of birds and bird dogs to conservation and management of raptors, their main prey species, and the respective habitat that they rely on. In addition, I’ll cover-off themes related to hunter ethics, fair chase, and access to public and private land. I’ll outline efforts that falconers can make to contribute to all of these topics of conversation.
61 episodes
61. Game Hawker Edition with Simon Tyers (Part 3)
Well, the UK falconry season wrapped up for Simon Tyers on January 31, and he returns to the program to give us run down of the changes he made at the outset of the season, whether he believes they were of value, and what changes he might make ...
Season 2
Episode 61

60. Game Hawker Edition with Matt Mullenix (Part 1)
Well, Matt Mullenix is back, this time as one of the cohort of falconers participating in Game Hawker Edition. Matt trapped a passage jack merlin this season, and we begin the episode discussing the backstory associated with Matt's acquisition ...
Season 2
Episode 60

59. Game Hawker Edition with Heath Garner (Part 2)
Heath Garner joins me to give us his first update of his hawking season. Heath begins the episode by telling us about the way his dogs have adjusted after their brouhaha in November, and he tells us about a gift that was mailed to him, presumab...
Season 2
Episode 59

58. Game Hawker Edition with Corey Roelke (Part 2)
Corey Roelke returns to the program to tell us about the progress that he has made with his three peregrine falcons. We begin the episode discussing Corey's dog, duck numbers, and local weather conditions. We briefly talk about "flushability" o...
Season 2
Episode 58

57. Game Hawker Edition with Jeff Broadbent (Part 2)
Jeff Broadbent returns to the program to update us on his progress with "Jafar", his gyr-peregrine tiercel. We begin by reminding listeners of Jeff's team and how he is situated falconry-wise. Jeff's work requires that he endure a rather long c...
Season 2
Episode 57

56. Game Hawker Edition with Dale Guthormsen (Part 2)
Dale Guthormsen returns to give us his first update on his season. After telling us where his team currently stands, Dale details his approach to getting falcons to take and maintain an upwind position while waiting-on. He also gives us insight...
Season 2
Episode 56

55. Game Hawker Edition with Jeremy Roselle (Part 1)
Jeremy Roselle joins me for Part 1 of his Game Hawker Edition series. We begin the episode describing Jeremy's wide ranging background including where he is located, the birds he flies, and the dogs he runs. We then turn our attention to ...
Season 2
Episode 55

54. Game Hawker Edition with Steve Chindgren (Part 2) and his surprise guest
Steve Chindgren returns for Part 2 of his Game Hawker Edition series, and he brings along a surprise guest. Steve gets us started by talking about the character traits of each of his birds. We then talk about how the grouse have ad...
Season 2
Episode 54

53. Game Hawker Edition with Heath Garner (Part 1)
Heath Garner joins me to tell us about his season thus far with the passage tiercel peregrine that he trapped in 2023. Heath starts the episode telling us why he had to hawk snipe without the assistance of his two German short-haired poin...
Season 2
Episode 53

52. Game Hawker Edition with Dale Guthormsen (Part 1)
In this episode of Game Hawker Edition, my guest is Dale Guthormsen. After introducing himself, Dale explains why he is in the process of simultaneously starting two new falcons this season. Dale then describes his hawking ground and his ...
Season 2
Episode 52

51. Game Hawker Edition with Simon Tyers (Part 2)
Simon Tyers returns to the show to update us on how his season is going thus far. We begin the episode talking about similarities and differences among the falconers that have already contributed to Game Hawker Edition, Simon then updates us wi...
Season 2
Episode 51

50. Game Hawker Edition with Jeff Broadbent (Part 1)
Jeff Broadbent joins me for this weeks episode of Game Hawker Edition. After introducing himself, his birds, and his dogs, Jeff tells us the back story that led up the acquisition of his current bird. Part of that back story includes a descript...
Season 2
Episode 50

49. Game Hawker Edition with Corey Roelke (Part 1)
Corey Roelke, President of the Texas Hawking Association, joins me on this episode of Game Hawker Edition. Corey gets us started by telling us about the birds he has in his possession, and his English springer spaniel, “Hela”.
Season 2
Episode 49

48. Game Hawker Edition with Steve Chindgren (Part 1)
In this episode of Game Hawker Edition, I welcome Steve Chindgren (author of “The Art of Hawking Sage Grouse), back to show to talk to us about his season to date. Steve gets the conversation rolling by telling us about the birds he is flying a...
Season 2
Episode 48

47. Game Hawker Edition with Simon Tyers (Part 1)
Welcome to the first episode of the "Fat Bird, Ugly Dog Podcast Game Hawker Edition”. With the season well underway in northern latitudes of North America and Europe, I have pivoted from my regular long-form format to a short...
Season 2
Episode 47

46. The Archives of Falconry with John Goodell.
In this episode, I am joined by John Goodell, Executive Director and Chief Curator of the Archives of Falconry located in Boise, Idaho. After introducing himself, John provides listeners with a timeline of the way that the Archives was establis...
Season 2
Episode 46

45. Mullenix, Garner, & Millsap on falconry in the context of the NAM & WVR (Part III)
In this episode Matt, Heath, and Brian return to the show to continue our conversation, this time to discuss the ways in which America's Wildlife Values intersect with the way that North American falconers practice their sport. In...
Season 2
Episode 45

44. Mullenix, Garner, & Millsap on falconry in the context of the NAM & WVR (Part II)
In this episode Matt, Heath, and Brian return to the show to continue our conversation regarding the ways in which the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAM) intersects with the way that North American falconers practice their spor...
Season 2
Episode 44

43. Mullenix, Garner, & Millsap on falconry in the context of the NAM & WVR (Part I)
In this multi-episode series, I am joined by Matt Mullenix, Heath Garner, and Brian Millsap to discuss their views of falconry in the context of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAM; see Episode 33) and the Wildlife Values Rep...
Season 2
Episode 43

42. Thomas Baumeister on Fair Chase and Ethics in Hunting
In this Episode I talk to Thomas Baumeister of "Access WILD" and "Orion - The hunters Institute" about the question of hunting and the way in which hunters can develop an ethical framework. We begin our conversation with a brief re...
Season 2
Episode 42

41. Ted Koch on the North American Grouse Partnership
In this episode Ted Koch joins me to discuss prairie grouse conservation and the North American Grouse Partnership (NAGP). After introducing himself, Ted describes the falconry-related legacy of the NAGP, and gives us an overview of...
Season 2
Episode 41

40. Ralph Rogers on "Falconry's Three-legged Stool"
In this Episode, my guest is former NAFA President, Ralph Rogers. Ralph argues that the practice of falconry hinges of three prerequisites (i.e., the legs of his metaphorical stool); legal access to the raptors with which we hunt, a fair regula...
Season 2
Episode 40

39. Kent Carnie on "The Twelve Turbulent Years" (Part 2)
Kent Carnie, Curator Emeritus of the Archives of Falconry, joins me for Part two of his two-part series to discuss an account he has written which he refers to as an “eventful period during which American falconry evolved” and our sport “...
Season 2
Episode 39

38. Kent Carnie on "The Twelve Turbulent Years" (Part 1)
In this episode Kent Carnie, Curator Emeritus of the Archives of Falconry, joins me to discuss an account he has written which he refers to as an “eventful period during which American falconry evolved”, and our sport “came of age”. That ...
Season 2
Episode 38

37. Arnaud Van Wettere on Avian Influenza
Arnaud Van Wettere, falconer and veterinarian, joins me to talk about avian influenza. After introducing himself, Arnaud reminds us of the definitions of some basic terms associated with immunology, and describes the manner in which diffe...
Season 2
Episode 37